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Alopecia is the abnormal loss of hair, so the term is considered a synonym for baldness.
It can affect the scalp or other areas of the skin where hair is present, such as the eyelashes, armpits, genital region and beard.
Alopecia can be classified into two groups: cicatricial (scarring) alopecia, with destruction of the hair follicle and therefore irreversible, and non-scarring forms, which are potentially reversible.
The most frequent form is androgenic alopecia, also called androgenic alopecia or common baldness, which is responsible for 95% of cases.
It mainly affects males, and less frequently females.
The most common symptoms are:
- Hair loss of more than 100 hairs per day
- Hair thinning

What are the causes of alopecia?
In the cause of androgenic alopecia, there are two main factors, genetic and hormonal. Although there is a hereditary component, the gene responsible is not known, as it is a polygenic dominant inheritance.
The hormonal factor depends mainly on male hormones or androgens that act on the hair follicles genetically predisposed to the condition, causing their progressive miniaturization until they become completely atrophic and fibrotic.
The cause of alopecia areata is not clearly defined, but it can be triggered by stressful situations, and sometimes there may be an autoimmune background.
There are multiple causes of hair loss.
A diet lacking in essential nutrients, thyroid problems, iron deficiency, infections, stress, anemia, excess cosmetics (dyes, ...), are factors that contribute to alopecia.
The side effects of some treatments can also cause hair loss, such as chemotherapy or radiation.
Scarring alopecia: This type of alopecia is usually irreversible because there is damage, malformation or total rupture of the follicular structure. They are classified as infectious, due to physicochemical agents, tumor or dermatosis.

How is it diagnosed?
For the diagnosis of alopecia, a thorough clinical history should be taken.
Sometimes some studies are required to detect any alteration that justifies an increased hair loss.
It is very important to perform a thorough examination and diagnosis of the hair loss of each patient, in order to determine the exact reason for the hair loss and choose the most effective treatment.
The treatment will be established according to the cause of the alopecia.
If it is found that there is a deficit of certain essential nutrients for hair formation, supplements are added.
A home treatment with anti-hair loss shampoo, hair lotions, multivitamins is always necessary.
At Arte meddical we have the perfect combination of:
- Application of Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)
- Nanopore with a cocktail of Sesderma laboratory products to stimulate the growth of the hair follicle.
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There are many types of alopecia and each one has a different cause, each patient is managed individually, tests are required to rule out organic alterations, treatment at home and while there is follicle (determined in the medical evaluation) the treatment with plasma rich in fibrin and Nanopore works very well, if there is no follicle it will not work and requires other options such as hair implant.
The results are generated from the first session, but as the sessions are carried out the results are better, the results are generated progressively.