Dental Implants

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Dental Implants

When teeth are lost, we can find a way to get them back.

In the case of complete tooth loss due to tooth extraction, it is necessary to place dental implants as a biocompatible mechanical device to replace the roots.

Placement of single tooth implants

It is performed when there is loss of the dental root, placing a titanium screw to replace it and on it, a porcelain crown is placed.

Placement of multiple dental implants with hybrid prosthetic rehabilitation

It is a fixed structure screwed on dental implants that aims to replace lost teeth and soft tissues - gums -. This type of prosthesis is a good option to consider, since it is the rehabilitation treatment that most closely resembles the sensation of having your own teeth. This sensation is mainly due to the fact that it is fixed and does not have a palate. Therefore, it provides great esthetics, safety and comfort to the patient. Adjacent teeth are not worn down. 

Implants are the most efficient mechanism to replace teeth.

In Arte Meddical we have the best specialist in implants and oral rehabilitation. Come and meet Dr. Marlon Giraldo, with 20 years of experience in his profession.

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Asked Questions

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What is the best way to get my missing teeth back?

That depends on each patient, in general you have to look for the most natural, less traumatic, more durable and more economical way to achieve it, in Artemeddical we help you find that way at no cost and always thinking about the welfare of the patient.

Without thinking about the cost, what is the best rehabilitation alternative?

Implants, in the case of dental loss. But when we still have roots, the best alternative is metal-free systems.

If I have teeth, can I get a hybrid system?

In general, no, except in some specific cases.

If I have total dentures or tooth box they call, can I have fixed teeth again, even if I have no bone or have been wearing them for a long time?

Yes, although examinations must be performed to evaluate the case, in 90% of the cases it is possible to have fixed teeth again.

Is it true that you have systems to place teeth with implants in 48 hours?

Yes, there are cases where we have ideal conditions, but usually the healing time is around 3 months, and in more complex cases up to 6 months.

What is a muco-implant supported prosthesis?

It is a prosthesis that is supported on gum and mucosa but also on implants, usually used in lower cases so that the total prosthesis do not move and are tolerable, although the teeth are not fixed. But it will always be better to have fixed teeth.

Up to what age can a person have dental implants?

There is no age limit, you must only have favorable medical conditions, that is something that is evaluated in the initial consultation.