Platelet-Rich fibrin

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Platelet-Rich fibrin

Unlike platelet-rich plasma, fibrin-rich plasma is a second-generation platelet concentrate.

It is obtained after centrifuging a small sample of the patient's blood, resulting in a sample free of red blood cells, from which the serum is extracted, leaving a very resistant fibrin mesh.

How is it applied?

The plasma is applied by means of microinjections, practically painless, in the area to be treated. It is a very well tolerated treatment: As it is an autologous treatment (blood is obtained from the patient's own blood), there is no risk of allergies or incompatibility reactions, which makes it a safe procedure for the patient. This procedure, although simple, is performed in an outpatient clinic, with a physician and under extreme quality control conditions, according to the procedural standards for handling biological material.

After the treatment I can return to my work and social activities without any problem:

After the application, people can immediately resume their professional and social life. There are no marks or scars, nor is it necessary to rest.

What are its applications?

Post-treatment care


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Asked Questions

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What is the difference between fibrin-rich plasma (PRF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

Unlike PRP, PRP is a second generation platelet concentrate, it does not require the use of anticoagulant, it contains high concentrations of growth factors, leukocytes, cytokines among other components, and it is more similar to stem cells.

What is it used for?

It has many uses. In aesthetic medicine it is used as a treatment for alopecia, facial rejuvenation, stretch marks, scars, pain management, and it works excellent in all processes that require a stimulus such as joint pathologies, regeneration of the spinal cord, among others.